From Date | To Date | Designation | Organization | Organization Address |
1999-10-04 | 2001-06-20 | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR | Padmasri Dr. B. V. Raju Institute Of Technology Narsapur, Andhrapradesh | Narsapur, Andhrapradesh |
2001-06-22 | 2006-05-26 | LECTURER | MNM Jain Engineering College | Chennai |
2006-08-01 | 2006-12-30 | GUEST FACULTY | Netaji Subhas Institute Of Technology | New Delhi |
2007-01-08 | 2008-07-05 | SR. LECTURER | Guru TeghBahadur Institute Of Technology | New Delhi |
2008-07-07 | 2009-03-31 | SENIOR LECTURER | SIESGST | Nerul, Navi Mumbai |
2009-04-01 | 2015-03-06 | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR | SIES GST | Nerul, Navi Mumbai |
2015-07-01 | 2021-06-30 | ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR | SIES GST | Nerul, Navi Mumbai |
2021-07-01 | 0000-00-00 | Professor | SIES GST | Nerul, Navi Mumbai |
Date | Title | Type | Level | Academic Year |
2018-12-31 | SMART AGRICULTURE | Journal | International | 2018-2019 |
2016-07-31 | SMART PRECISION BASED AGRICULTURE USING SENSORS | Journal | International | 2016-2017 |
2016-07-31 | LI-FI(LIGHT FIDELTY) | Journal | International | 2016-2017 |
2016-02-28 | ONLINE TICKET BOOKING SYSTEM FOR MUMBAI LOCAL TRAIN | Journal | International | 2015-2016 |
2015-06-30 | HIGH SECURITY USING PALM VEIN RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY | Journal | International | 2014-2015 |
2015-06-30 | BARCODE BASED STUDENT ATTENDANCE SYSTEM | Journal | International | 2014-2015 |
2014-11-30 | AN IMPROVISED APPROACH TO CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL | Journal | International | 2014-2015 |
2014-07-31 | REVERSIBLE DATA HIDING USING QR CODES FOR ANDROID | Journal | International | 2014-2015 |
2021-06-16 | An intensive healthcare monitoring paradigm by using IoT based machine learning strategies | Journal(SCI) | International | 2020-21 |
2017-09-01 | Research Analysis on Optimization of Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks | Journal | National | 2017-18 |
2014-04-01 | “Cross layer designs to optimize the power consumption in wireless sensor networks | Journal(Scopus) | International | 2013-14 |
2023-05-01 | Optimized Image Authentication Algorithm using Redundant Wavelet Transform Based Sift Descriptors and Complex Zernike Moments | Journal(SCI) | International | 2022-23 |
2023-01-01 | Automated Stock Trading using Deep Q-Learning | Journal | International | 2022-23 |
Date | Title | Presented/Published | Level | Academic Year | Organizer / Venue |
2012-10-28 | A Technology Innovation for generating energy from Nuclear Waste - A survey | Presented & published | International | 2012-13 | |
2012-10-28 | Carbon Capture and Sequestration-A survey | Presented & published | International | 2012-13 | Jawaharlal Nehru University, NewDelhi. |
K.Lakshmisudha, Ashwin T, Bharathi K, Ishan V,“Carbon Capture and Sequestration-Asurvey” in International Conference on held on October 28-29,2012 organized by KrishiSanskriti, Jawaharlal Nehru University,NewDelhi. | |||||
2012-12-22 | “Agricultural Management using Wireless Sensor Networks-A Survey | Presented & published | International( Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) | 2012-13 | |
12. K.Lakshmisudha, Dr. C. Arun, “Agricultural Management using Wireless Sensor Networks-A Survey”presented in International conference held on December 22-23,2012 organized by CBEES, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Paper is published in Engineering and Technology Digital Library. | |||||
2013-01-13 | Power optimization in physical layer of Wireless Sensor Networks- A survey | Presented & published | International | 2012-13 | Advanced computer science and information technology organized by IT Research, Pune |
11. K.Lakshmisudha, Dr. C. Arun, “Power optimization in physical layer of Wireless Sensor Networks- A survey.” presented in International Conference on Advanced computer science and information technology organized by IT Research, Pune on 13 th Jan,2013. | |||||
2013-03-01 | Research on Power optimization in Physical and MAC Layer of Wireless Sensor Networks- A Survey | Presented & published | International(IEEE) | 2012-13 | |
10. K.Lakshmisudha, Dr. C. Arun, “1. Research on Power optimization in Physical and MAC Layer of Wireless Sensor Networks- A Survey” presented in International conference held on March 1&2; 2013,organized by G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Gujarat. Paper is published in IEEE Explore. | |||||
2013-10-18 | AIR-Ant Colony Inspired Routing | Presented & published | International(IEEE) | 2013-14 | |
9. K.Lakshmisudha, Rohitmani, Tushar, Jakka R, “AIR-Ant Colony Inspired Routing " presented in International conference heldin October 18 & 19,2013,organized by ACEEE – a division of the IDES. Paper is published in IEEE Explore. | |||||
2017-09-22 | Ultrasonic navigation based blind aid for the visually impaired using sensors | Presented & published | International(IEEE) | 2017-18 | |
8. K.Lakshmisudha, Reshma Vijay Jawale,Madhavi Vijay Kadam , RavinaShantaramGaikawad , “Ultrasonic navigation based blind aid for the visually impaired using sensors”, IEEE conference organized on 21 st and 22 nd September,2017 by Saveetha Engineering college, Chennai. | |||||
2020-06-27 | Prediction of Hospital Readmission for Diabetes Patient | Presented & published | International | 2019-20 | |
7. Dr. K. Lakshmi Sudha, Ms. Shreya Patil and Ms. Shweta M have presented a paper titled “Prediction of Hospital Readmission for Diabetes Patient” in International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology on 27/6/2020, organized by World Research Forum For Engineers And Researchers –WRFER, Ernakulum, India. | |||||
2020-07-03 | “Implementation of Deep Learning Model for Video Colorization | Presented & published | International(IEEE) | 2020-21 | |
1. Dr.K.Lakshmisudha, Mr. Aditya Acharya, Anandu Gopi, Karthik Iyer have presented a paper titled “Implementation of Deep Learning Model for Video Colorization” in the IEEE International conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems(ICESCS 2020) organized by Hindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, during 02-03, July 2020. | |||||
2020-07-27 | Optimizing Network Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning | Presented & published( BOOK SERIES) | International | 2020-21 | |
5. K. Lakshmisudha, Sara Nayak, Anushka Atul Patil, Reethika Renganathan, Has Presented/Published the Paper Entitled Optimizing Network Intrusion Detection using Machine Learning At The 2020 International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA 2020) held Simultaneously with other Joint Conferences as part of the 2020 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE 2020) at Luxor (MGM), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (July 27 – 30, 2020). This paper will be published in a book entitled “Advances in Data Science and Information Engineering” by Springer Nature | |||||
2022-03-25 | Web Application Penetration Testing & Patch Development Using Kali Linux | Presented & published | International(IEEE) | 2021-22 | |
4. Dr.K.Lakshmisudha, Ritik Karayat; Manish Jadhav; L Ashwath Nambiar presented a paer titled “Web Application Penetration Testing & Patch Development Using Kali Linux” in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 25-26 March 2022. | |||||
2022-04-07 | College Election System using Blockchain | Presented & published | International | 2021-22 | |
3. Dr.K.Lakshmisudha, Aanchal Mani, Soham Parag, Samarjeet presented paper titled “ College Election System using Blockchain” in International Conference on Automation, Computing and Communication (ICACC-2022) April 7-8, 2022. | |||||
2022-01-06 | ARTFDS-Advanced Railway Track Fault Detection System Using Machine Learning | Presented & published( BOOK SERIES) | International | 2021-22 | |
2. Dr.K.Lakshmisudha, Adwait Rangnekar, Akshay Shetty and Yash Zawar presented paper titled “ARTFDS-Advanced Railway Track Fault Detection System Using Machine Learning” in Springer 6th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2022) organized by JCT College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India on 06-07, January 2022 | |||||
2023-01-27 | A Smart Hydroponic Farming System Using Machine Learning | Presented & published | International(IEEE) | 2022-23 | |
2023-04-11 | Blockchain based Construction Management System | Presented | International(IEEE) | 2022-23 | |
2008-06-01 | “Radiation Pattern Analysis by Simulation of Smart Antenna | Presented & published | National | 2007-08 | |
iK.Lakshmisudha, Vidisha, Anita, Maninder, “Radiation Pattern Analysis by Simulation of Smart Antennas” contributed in National Level conference on held on May 31 & June 1,2008 organized by ISTE chapter, New Delhi. | |||||
2008-06-01 | Smart Networked Home and Automation connected devices with security Auto dialer | Presented & published | National | 2007-08 | |
K.Lakshmisudha, Vidisha, Anita, Maninder, “Smart Networked Home and Automation connected devices with security Auto dialer” presented in National Level conference on held on May 31 & June 1,2008 organized by ISTE chapter, New Delhi. | |||||
2012-10-13 | Smart home Management for physically challenged persons using Wireless sensor Networks | Presented & published | National | 2012-13 | |
K.Lakshmisudha, Dr. C. Arun,“Smart home Management for physically challenged persons using Wireless sensor Networks” presented in National Level conference on 13th October 2012 on Technologies for physically challenged, organized by LokmanyaTilak College of Engineering, NaviMumbai. | |||||
2021-07-07 | Crossword puzzle- A Game Based Pedagogy in teaching Engineering Courses | Presented | University of Mumbai | 2021-22 | |
K.Lakshmisudha presented paper on “Crossword puzzle- A Game Based Pedagogy in teaching Engineering Courses” on symposium organized by CE department, SIES GST on Innovative Teaching Learning in Engineering Education(ITLEE)-2021 from July 2-3, 2022. |
Date | Title | Type | Level | Role | Venue |
2018-11-22 | AICTE-ISTE Approved 6 Days Workshops On ‘Computer Network And Security’ Organized By Department Of IT From November 15-22, 2018 At SIESGST, Nerul. | STTP | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT and Speaker | SIES GST |
2018-03-03 | Mentoring Workshop | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | College Level | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2018-10-22 | FDP On Parikshak - A Program Grading Tool Is Organised For CE And IT Department Faculties On 22nd October 2018 ,SIESGST | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | College Level | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2018-08-14 | "Virtualization Overview – Vmware Vsphere 6.x " | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | College Level | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2018-06-01 | AICTE-ISTE Approved Short Term Training Program On “Machine Learning, Data Analytics And Python” During January 01-06, 2018 At SIESGST. | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2017-11-29 | FDP On ”Challenges In Cloud Computing Applications” By Mr.Manoj Kulkarni, Director Of Mensa Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd, On 29 Nov 2017 At 10AM In SIESGST. | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2017-07-03 | AICTE-ISTE Approved 5days Workshop On "Data Analytics With R Programming" Organized By Department Of Information Technology From July 03 To 07, 2017 At SIESGST. | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2015-06-29 | Workshop On “Internet Of Things” Conducted On June 29-30, July 1, 2015 At SIESGST, Nerul. | SEMINAR | INTERNATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2016-12-15 | Two Days Work Shop On Accreditation & Outcome Based Education From December 15th -16th, 2016. | WORKSHOP | STATE | PARTICIPANT | Terna Engineering College |
2015-01-31 | Two Week ISTE STTP On “Pedagogy For Effective Use Of ICT In Engineering Education” Conducted By Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay From 05th To 31st January 2015. | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | College Level | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST |
2020-12-16 | AICTE-ISTE Approved 6 Days Workshops On “DevOps And R Programming” Organized By Department Of IT From December 16 - 21 ,2019 At SIESGST, Nerul. | WORKSHOP | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | SIESGST, Nerul. |
2020-04-29 | Online Workshop On “Examination Reforms” Organised By AICTE From April 29- May 2, 2020. | WORKSHOP | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | MICROSOFT TEAMS |
2020-03-24 | Three Weeks 8 Credit Course On “WhatsApp Outcome Based Education Faculty Development Program” From March 24 To April 14, 2020 Organized By D Y Patil College Of Engineering, Akurdi. | WORKSHOP | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | ONLINE |
2020-04-07 | Training For “Online Lecture Taking / Conferencing And Lecture Recording Features Of Google Meet”, By Prof. Prasad Iyer, On April 07, 2020. | WORKSHOP | College Level | PARTICIPANT | GOOGLE MEET |
2020-04-11 | Workshop On Intellectual Property Rights - Session 2 On Apr 11, 2020. | WORKSHOP | NATIONAL | PARTICIPANT | ONLINE |
2020-04-11 | Webinar On “Fundamental Of Outcome Based Education” On April 11, 2020 Conducted By Mr. Ajay Bhagwat And Organized By SIES Central Training Department. | SEMINAR | College Level | PARTICIPANT | ONLINE |
2020-06-06 | Data Science | Webinar | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2020-06-17 | Webinar on “ Engineering Curriculum-New Perspective” | Webinar | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2020-06-17 | Engineering Curriculum-New Perspective | Webinar | University of Mumbai | Participant | K.J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology |
2020-07-02 | Universal Human Values in Higher Education | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | National | Participant | Online- DBATU, SPPU, MU and Western Region WRO |
2020-09-10 | Use of Games & Simulations in Teaching | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2020-10-24 | Data Visualization using Tableau | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2023-11-21 | Resilience Management | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2023-11-20 | Agile Methodology and Current Trends | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2023-11-06 | "Internet of Things " | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2020-12-05 | Next Generation Technology | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2020-11-30 | Recent advancements in software development practices, Artificial intelligences and communication Technologies " | Quality Improvement Programme | National | Participant | IIT, Roorkee. |
2020-12-12 | "Evolution of Software Development Processes | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2021-01-18 | Recent Trends in Wireless Technology | STTP | National | Participant | SIES GST |
2021-12-06 | “Data Science and use of Visualization Tools | STTP | National | Participant | SIES GST |
2021-11-30 | IOT :Our Connected World | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2021-09-23 | Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | National | Participant | CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. |
2021-09-11 | Tools for cyber security for youth | Webinar | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2021-07-24 | Procedural Aspects of IPR | FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | College Level | Participant | SIES GST |
2021-07-17 | Webinar | National | Participant | IIT Bombay | |
2022-01-05 | NIRF INDIA RANKINGS - 2022 | workshop | National | Participant | online-Collegiate Education & Technical Education Department, Govt. of Telangana. |
Date | Title | Details |
2019-03-16 | Smart Agriculture Using IoT | Minor Research Grant, University Of Mumbai |
2018-10-17 | Simplicate Creations Private Limited. | 1. Text Extraction From Scanned Documents. 2. E-commerce Website Data Scraping |
2019-03-16 | Minor Research Grant-UoM | Received The Minor Research Grant Of Rs 15,000/-from University Of Mumbai In 2018-19 For The Project Titled “ Smart Agriculture Using IoT”. |
2020-03-18 | Minor Research Grant-UoM | Received The Minor Research Grant Of Rs 25,000/ From UoM For Their Project Titled “Voice Based Heart Rate Monitoring System” For The Academic Year 2019-20. |
2019-09-06 | Simplicate Creations Private Limited. | Coordinated Two Consultancy Projects (Text Extraction From Scanned Documents And E-commerce Website Data Scraping With Simplicate Creations Private Limited. ) During 2018-19. |
2019-12-15 | Lab Systems Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai | One Industry Live Project (Landing Page) Completed By TE IT Students- For Lab Systems Pvt. Ltd Guided By Dr. K. Lakshmisudha. |
2019-12-15 | SIES GST, NERUL | Guided The “Office Management System ( In House Project) |
2020-01-01 | Document Gathering | consultancy project “Document Gathering” for Ellipsis RBS, Mumbai, Maharashtra during the period of January 2020 to December 2020. |
2021-01-01 | Mobile App for Mutual Funds Application | Consultancy project “Mobile App for Mutual Funds Application” for Ezytek Consuting, Mumbai, Maharashtra during the period of January 2021 to June 2021. |
Academic Year | Type | Details |
2018-2019 | Certified course | Successfully Completed " CCNA Routing And Switching" From Horizon Computers, Vashi. |
2017-2018 | NPTEL | Successfully Completed Nptel Course From August- September 2018 On " Leadership" And Got Elite Certification. |
2018-2019 | NPTEL | Successfully Completed Nptel Course August- September 2018 On " Stress Management" And Got Elite Certification |
2016-2017 | Syllabus setter | Member Of Syllabus Setter For The Revised Syllabus Of 2016 Information Technology, Mumbai University. |
2017-2018 | Reviewer | Reviewer Of The British Journal Of Mathematics And Computer Science In 2017. |
2019-2020 | Certified course | Conducted Certification Course (40 Hours) For BE/ TE/ SE EXTC Students On “CCNA: Routing And Switching-I” On 27/6/2019, 28/6/2019, 1/7/2019,3/8/2019 And 31/8/2019. |
2018-2019 | Judge | Attended “Techopedia” Idea Competition Under IEEE Forum Of SIESGST As A Judge On 28/9/2019. |
2018-2019 | Speaker(Resource person) | Resource Person For One Day On November 15 For AICTE-ISTE Approved 6 Days Workshops On ‘Computer Network And Security’ Organized By Department Of IT From November 15-22, 2018 At SIESGST, Nerul. |
2016-2017 | Guest speaker | Guest Speaker For Faculty Orientation Program For The Revised Syllabus 2016 SE IT CBCGS Organized By Terna Engineering College. |
2017-2018 | speaker | Talk On “Technical Paper Writing” On 4/10/2017 For TE CE C Of SIESGST. |
2017-2018 | Speaker | Talk On “Technical Paper Writing” On 31/1/2018 For TE CE D Of SIESGST. |
2019-2020 | Organizer | Organized Expert Talk On “Career Enlighten On Networking And Cyber Security” On October 14, 2019 By Mr. Mohammad Junaid, Information Security Specialist, Al Jazeera Finance |
2017-2018 | Organizer | Organized Seminar On "Healthy Minds" By Mr. Shriram Athri On February 18,2019 For IT Students. |
2018-2019 | Organizer | Organized Workshop On "Digital Marketing Skill Development" On February 28,2019 For TE IT Students. |
2017-2018 | Organizer | Organized FDP On "Mentoring Workshop" On March 03,2018 At 10 Am At GST Auditorium. |
2018-2019 | Co-curricular | Conducted Session For TE IT On “ Expert Talk On " Project Area And Technical Paper Writing" On 18/3/2019. |
2019-2020 | Co-curricular | Attended “Techopedia” Idea Competition Under IEEE Forum Of SIESGST As A Judge On 28/9/2019 From 1.30pm-3.30 Pm. |
2019-2020 | Co-curricular | Conducted Workshop On “Enterprising Network Design Using L2 And L43 Switch” On 26/8/2019 From 3.30-5.30pm For BE IT Students. |
2019-2020 | speaker | Conducted Webinar On "How To Measure Attainment Of Program Outcome (PO) And Course Outcome (CO) From NAAC Perspective"on May 15, 2020. |
2019-2020 | speaker | Attended The Syllabus Revision Meeting For The Course Of Principles Of Communication For SE IT-III Sem(Rev 2019) Held At Terna Engineering College On Behalf Of UoM On March 11,2020. |
2019-2020 | Co-curricular | Organized Expert Talk On “Career Enlighten On Networking And Cyber Security” On October 14, 2019 By Mr. Mohammad Junaid, Information Security Specialist, Al Jazeera Finance. |
2020-21 | Organizer | Organized an expert talk on " VoIP: Working, Deployment and protocols" for BE IT on 16/10/2021 by Mr. Aditya, Change Management Specialist , Orange Business Services. |
2021-22 | Organizer | Organized Expert talk on " Next Generation Networks" on 11/4/2022 (Monday) from 11.00-1.00pm at SIESGST, Nerul. |
2020-21 | Organizer | Organized session in SDP on Networking Management and Security by Dr. K. Lakshmi Sudha and Dr. Dipanjan Biswas- Certified Trainer (CCNA, CCNP and CCIE), , Mr. Sandesh Gupta- Forensic Consultant.( June 23-29, 2021, followed by 15 days internship). |
2020-21 | Organizer | Organized session in SDP on Networking Management and Security by Dr. K. Lakshmi Sudha and Dr. Dipanjan Biswas- Certified Trainer (CCNA, CCNP and CCIE), , Mr. Sandesh Gupta- Forensic Consultant.( June 23-29, 2021, followed by 15 days internship). |
2021-22 | speaker | Conducted Faculty Orientation Programme for Revised Syllabus 2019 “C” Scheme TE-IT Sem- VI (CBCGS) for the subject WT and SL in Department of Information Technology, SIES GST on be half of University of Mumbai on Jan 07,2022. |
2021-22 | Session chair-conference | Session chair for technical paper presentation track on AI & ML in IEEE sponsored International conference(ICSES 2021) held at the Department of Computer science and Engineering, St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India during September 24-25, 2021 |
2021-22 | Moderator | University Result Moderation committee member |