Home > Undergraduate Program Computer Science And Engineering (Internet Of Things And Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology)

Total Intake 60

We are introducing new spectrum as a global wave of demand for emerging fields in Computer Science and Engineering: INTERNET OF THINGS AND CYBER SECURITY INCLUDING BLOCK CHAIN TECHNOLOGY as undergraduate Program.

IoT has marked its popularity and position worldwide. Not only private industry but also Government and academia are evolving with different aspect, implementation, and business with IoT. IoT is currently expanding in different domain vertically like Defense, Agriculture, Space, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Construction which has also concretize for smart cities which is very important to learn. Cyber Security which ingrained due to its dependency on online operations, social media, and upcoming technologies like IoT or digital world. It’s a need of hour when it comes to digitization. It’s imperative to safeguard organization, society, Government from risk of cyber frauds, threats, and attacks. With this it’s important to understand magnitude of blockchain Technology and its applications which impart its existence in past few years. Blockchain has gained its importance in Finance, Banking, Supply Chain, Cloud, IoT Business. It’s a demand of having knowledge of cryptocurrencies and its usage in stock markets as well. This Program keeps a potential of competitive and interconnected environment which pupils can be benefitted from.


The offered Program intend to envelop

  • Understanding voyage of IoT, CyberSecurity and Blockchain
  • Understanding fundamentals and further tools and techniques in each Domain
  • Practically learningthe different aspect like connectivity, storage, computation in different vertical domains through IoT.
  • Understanding the security challenges, tools, techniques, necessary measures and best practices for aiming Cyber security.
  • Understanding broad aspects of foundations of blockchain in the areas of crypto currencies, Hashing, mining for paving the way for world full of competitive and interconnected environment.

Future Prospects

On successful completion of CSE (IOT, BLOCKCHAIN, CYBERSECURITY) graduate students can choose specialization to pursue higher studies in domains like cloud, Supply chain, AI, IoT business, Cyber Defense Analyst, Information Security, smart computation IOT, Protocol building in IoT. Many universities at Global, National and Local level offer specialized courses in M.S., M.Tech, M.E., MBA, and PG Diploma for CSE (IoT, BLOCKCHAIN, CYBER SECURITY) undergraduates.

With exponential usage of Internet and Social Media, there is need to solve/aware society about the threats and privacy preservation which offers ample opportunities for entrepreneurship. We at SIESGST promote entrepreneurship by conducting awareness programs and mentoring sessions.

Students with Research aptitude can pursue PhD in interdisciplinary domains. Following successful graduation, students having an adequate amount of research experience along with an exceptionally great academic background can pursue a PhD.


To be a centre of excellence in IoT, Cybersecurity and Blockchain Technologies to cater growing demands of society.


  1. To Impart quality education to satisfy the advanced requirements in the fields of IoT, Cybersecurity and Blockchain.
  2. To provide a platform for developing research, professional, social and innovative skills.
  3. To develop entrepreneurial, technical and life-long learning skills for socio-economic growth.
  4. To strengthen the alumni and industrial association for development of students leading to technical and socio-economic growth.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

  1. To facilitate learning environment in the fields of IoT, cybersecurity and Blockchain for career advancement.
  2. To inculcate technical, professional, social, innovative, leadership, entrepreneurial and lifelong learning skills in graduates.
  3. To facilitate environment for higher studies.
  4. To instil human values and professional ethics in graduates.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

The students will be able to:

  1. To work in multidisciplinary domains associated with IoT, Cyber security and Blockchain technologies.
  2. To solve real life problems related to IoT and Cyber Security.

Program Outcomes (PO)

At the successful completion of CSE (IOT, BLOCKCHIAN, CYBER SECURITY) Program an engineering graduate will be able to do

  1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components, process to meet the specifications with consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select , and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment And Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large. Some of them are, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate Knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in ateam, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Lifelong Learnings: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Outcome (CO)

Undergraduate Program Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things and Cyber Security including Block Chain Technology) : Faculty

Name Employee/ Unique ID Date of Joining Designation Qualification Status of Appointment
Ms.Prachi Shahane 40048 02.08.2004 Assistant Professor B.E(CSE) , M.E (CE), Ph.D* Full Time
Dr. .Sonal Hutke 40325 26.06.2012 Assistant Professor B.E.(EXTC), M.E.(Digital Electronics),Ph.D Full Time
Mr.Swapnil Wani 40534 22.07.2022 Assistant Professor B.E (CE), M.E (CE) Full Time
Ms. Pranita Pingale 40580 02.01.2024 Assistant Professor B.E, M.E (IT) Full Time
Ms.Asmita Deshmukh 40582 05.01.2024 Assistant Professor B.E (CSE), M.E (CE), Ph.D pursuing Full Time
Manosha Shasikaran 40583 08.01.2024 Assistant Professor B.E (ECE), M.E (EXTC) Full Time
Ms.Ashwini Khillari 40625 06.01.2025 Assistant Professor B.E (CE), M.E (Cyber Warfare) Full Time
Ms.Yasmeen Attar 40632 24.01.2025 Assistant Professor B.E, M.E (EXTC) Full Time

IoT And Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology : Technical Staff

Name Designation
Ms.Madhuri Patane Lab Assistant
Naresh Khurde Lab Attendant

Value Added Courses

To make students industry ready, at SIESGST we offer interdisciplinary value added courses which help students in gaining practical knowledge in data analytics and their field of interest. The student development programs in IOT, Block chain Technology, Cyber security etc. are designed to empower them to employ computational thinking and data science tools to solve practical business problems.

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