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The Computer Society of India (CSI) SIES-GST Student Chapter was inaugurated in 2009. It is the largest student body in SIES amongst all. CSI aims at encouraging the students to take interest in research topics and also empower them with the news of the latest updates in the field of technology.  Website Link


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is another student chapter that imparts knowledge through experience by organising industrial visits, workshops and seminars. It organized second National Conference on Wired and Wireless Communication on March 15 – 16, 2013.  Website Link


IETE (The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) is the most recent student body formed in SIES-GST. It plays an active role in organizing extra-curricular events in the college. Website Link


Indian Plastics Institute (IPI) helps Students gain advanced knowledge and current information about technology & applications, the contemporary Industrial practices and potential future developments in Plastics through IPI Educational Activities. It facilitates interaction between industry & students and ultimately improve their career and job prospects.


The Entrepreneurship cell was setup to give budding entrepreneurs a platform to showcase their business plans and help them start their own ventures. The events under EDC include preparing a business plan, stocks and trading, technical product presentation. Website Link


SIES GST student chapter, ISHRAE (The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) was formed in the first half of 2015. This chapter currently has over 50 members from the present second, third and final year Mechanical Engineering.ISHRAE promotes research in the field of products or techniques/technology aimed at specific end use. It is committed towards building a safe environment for the future.


SAE has been providing student members with challenging projects that involve planning and manufacturing tasks required when introducing a new product to the consumer industrial market. Some of these projects include Micro-Truck, Baja, Super-Mileage Formula SAE Series, SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge, and Mini Baja Series.


At GDSC SIEGGST, our aim is clear: to equip students with top-notch technical skills and leadership capabilities. Powered by Google, our program is your gateway to mastering development and problem-solving through technology. We collaborate with institutions and value the input of faculty members, ensuring a holistic approach to student development. Website Link

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